Nadia, the sole survivor of her family's tragic fate, grapples with the looming threat of her father's sacrifice as she faces a life on the edge. Nadia, the sole survivor of her family's tragic fate, grapples with the looming threat of her father's sacrifice as she faces a life on the edge.详情
主演:贡萨洛·沃丁顿,克里斯塔·法亚特,Cláudio da Silva,陈浪溪,Jorge Andrade,约翰·佩德罗·瓦斯,João Pedro Bénard,特丽莎·马德鲁加,Joana Bárcia,曼努埃拉·库托,迪奥哥·多瑞亚,Giacomo Leone,André Lourido,阿梅瑞科·席尔娃,赵嘉妮